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NISRA Foster Care Application and Agreement


Sometimes it's necessary to temporarily re-home an Icelandic Sheepdog. The owner may have become ill and unable to care for the dog or may have been transferred by their employer to an unfriendly dog environment with little notice. In these cases, our goal is to assist in temporary re-homing Icelandic Sheepdogs until adoption is feasible. In order to ensure as good a match as possible, we need to know something about you. Our primary concern is for the welfare of the dog.

Please take time to carefully read and complete the following questions. There are no "right" or "wrong" answers. The answers will be instrumental in matching the dog to a foster family. We will keep your application on file for twelve months unless you reconfirm your interest in fostering twelve months from the date on this application.

Please fill our the application in as much detail as possible. This application is used as part of the fostering process. Please understand that the completion of this application does not guarantee a foster as NISRA maintains the right to approve or deny the foster application. You will be notified when it has been received. Thank you.

* indicates a required field

Foster Parent Details

Potential Parent Name
Phone Type
Date of Birth
In order to Foster you must be over the age of 21.

Foster Home Environment

Do you rent or own?
Type of dwelling you live in:
How would you describe the locale of your dwelling?
Do you have children in the home?
Has any member of your household ever been investigated for or convicted of neglect or cruelty to animals.
Yard size:
Do you have pets living in your home and/or animals living on your property?
Veterinarian Name
Veterinarian Address

Foster Plans and Expectations

Pick the option that best describes your normal day?
How many hours a day are you usually home?
Are you willing to care for any special needs, including diet, medications and treatments, that the foster dog may require?
Are you willing to evaluate the foster dog's characteristics and traits and invest time and effort in making the foster dog adoptable?
Are you willing to keep NISRA informed monthly regarding the Foster dog's progress adapting to the new environment and their adoptability?

Foster Parent Experience and Reference

Your reference should be able to recommend you as a competent and responsible dog owner
Have you ever fostered a dog before?


Your reference should be able to recommend you as a competent and responsible dog owner
Reference Name
Please do not use a family member.

NISRA Foster Agreement

I make the above statements and voluntarily enter into this agreement to provide a temporary home as a foster caregiver to an identified Icelandic Sheepdog which NISRA may temporarily place in my care.

• I agree to provide a NISRA's representative access to all parts of my home and property for a home inspection before my application to foster is approved.

• I understand that I may be required to provide foster care to my foster dog for an extended period of time but adoption is the ultimate goal.

• I agree to provide monthly assessment to NISRA regarding the foster dog's adoptability to ensure the foster dog is placed in a forever home as soon as possible.

• I agree that I am over 21 years of age.

• I understand that NISRA provides no guarantee as to the health of my foster dog and that my foster dog may have medical needs, socialization problems, and may not be housebroken.

• I agree to provide my foster dog with veterinary care, medications, food and necessary treatments as authorized by NISRA and I will not arrange or pay for any elective veterinary care for my foster dog without the express consent of an authorized NISRA representative. Any NISRA approved expenses that require reimbursement will be paid once all receipts are received by the authorized NISRA representative.

• I agree to provide my foster dog with necessary medications as authorized by

• I will take all necessary precautions to prevent my foster dog from either impregnating another animal or becoming impregnated if the dog is intact. In the event that happens, I will notify NISRA immediately.

• I understand that I may only have my foster dog temporarily.

• I agree that I am fostering this animal for NISRA, and that I do not have any right of ownership over my foster dog. I further agree that NISRA's rights in and to my foster dog are superior to mine. I also agree to provide a NISRA's representative access to my home and property to check on my foster dog, at any time that I am in possession of my foster dog.

• I agree to immediately return any foster animal in my care to NISRA at the request of its authorized representative at any time and for any reason. If NISRA is forced to undertake legal action to enforce this provision of the agreement, I agree to indemnify NISRA for all court costs and attorney's fees connected with such an action.

• If I am planning to move at any time during the period when I am housing a foster dog, I agree to contact NISRA prior to my move and provide NISRA with my new contact information. I understand that NISRA has the right to request return of my foster dog based on my change of residence, and agree that I will surrender my foster dog to NISRA immediately upon request.

• I understand that as long as I provide foster care to my foster dog to NISRA's satisfaction, I will be given the first right of adoption of my foster dog, at such time as NISRA decides to place my foster dog for adoption.

• If at any point I can no longer, or do not want to continue to, provide care and shelter for my foster dog, I agree to contact NISRA and arrange for surrender and return of my foster dog back to NISRA

• I will not transfer possession or custody of my foster animal to any other person at any time, except for temporary, short-term possession for the purpose of vet care, grooming, etc.

• I agree to contact NISRA with any and all questions or concerns about my foster dog or the Foster Care Program as well as with updated contact information.

• I agree that if I refuse or fail to comply with any provision of this agreement, NISRA has the right to terminate this agreement and also has the right to the immediate surrender and return of my foster dog. I further consent to provide NISRA access to my premises if necessary to facilitate the return.

• I agree that the opportunity given to me to help rehabilitate my foster dog, as well as the chance of a potential future adoption, is of significant benefit to me, and serves as proper legal consideration in exchange for my agreement to the terms of this contract. I have read this application and Agreement in its entirety, and I agree that all statements and agreements contained in this document are made by me and are truthful, under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Massachusetts.

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